The Ultimate Balancing Breath

What is The Ultimate Balancing Breath?

My all-time favourite, this technique combines two forms of breathwork:

Nadi Shodana x Box Breathing

By doubling up these two balancing techniques, we amplify the balancing effects on our body mind. This technique creates balance in the nervous system, by matching ratio of Inhales vs. Exhales; Breathing vs. Holding; and Right Nostril vs. Left Nostril.

This gives an equal stimulation of both the sympathetic, and parasympathetic branches of the nervous system. Ultimately, leaving you in a calm & relaxed, but awake & alert state.

This technique can be done without any pre-requisites, however it may be helpful to try Box Breathing, and Nadi Shodana first!

Step by step instructions (link to video at the bottom):

  1. Block your right nostril, with your right thumb

  2. Inhale from your left nostril

  3. Pinch both your nostrils closed

  4. Hold your breath

  5. Block your left nostril with your finger

  6. Exhale from your right nostril

  7. Hold your breath

  8. Inhale from your right nostril

  9. Pinch both your nostrils closed

  10. Hold your breath

  11. Block right nostril, with your thumb

  12. Exhale from your left nostril

  13. Hold your breath

    Repeat for 5 minutes


Bhramari Pranayama


Box Breathing