Welcome, I’m Sahib, the man behind Meridian Breath ✌️

My journey with the breath began over a decade ago, with some simple breathing techniques to calm my ADHD mind. Little did I know, I’d opened a door of limitless possibilities.

Years later my health took a turn for the worst, I developed an autoimmune condition, among other things. Conventional medicine and pharmaceuticals had no answers. Repeatedly misdiagnosed, my health began to spiral.

As a Biologist, I took things into my own hands. My healing journey led me down a long path, tracing all the way back to my ancestral roots, deep into the realm of the Yogic Sciences & Ayurveda. Not only was I reacquainted with my breath, but I began to unravel the mysteries of the mind, and body.

The deeper I dived, the more profoundly my health began to shift. My life transformed. Using breathwork, meditation, herbal remedies, alongside ‘biohacks’ - my health problems vanished, almost as suddenly as they had appeared.

I want to empower you to do the same. Take the wheel of your own health & wellbeing.

Ready to evolve,

and o

vercome your limitations?

Why ‘Meridian’?

The Prime Meridian: the imaginary line, intersecting the globe vertically - where East meets West.

My life story, born into an Eastern family, but raised in Western Europe. The amalgamation of East & West shaped me, and taught me the value of a holistic perspective.

In health terms, the Western approach is top-down, focused more on treating symptoms, at the surface. In contrast, the Eastern approach tends to dig deeper, addressing the root cause of a health problem.

Each approach is effective in its own way. But together, they form a truly complete picture.

An MSc Biologist by education, and a highly experienced practicioner of the Yogic Sciences, I combine these two worlds. Stripping away the mysticism of Eastern wisdom, and the simplifying the complexities of Western science. Piecing together the puzzle, so you don’t have to.